Send Money
Send and receive money instantly over long distances to friends and family using your mobile phone in a safe, easy and affordable way.

Request Money
Request money instantly over long distances to business clients, friends and family using your mobile phone in a safe, easy and affordable way.

Scan to Pay
Get instant payments without using cash or card by using the Zarga apps QR Code for your spaza shop, hair salon, taxi business or any kind of small business.

Scan to Receive
Display your QR code to your clients on your shop front, inside your taxi or on you mobile phone to receive payment instantly, easily,and safely.

Z-Wallet for Savings
Save your daily earnings from your business automatically without having to constantly go to the bank to make a deposit. Saving you time and money and much safer than carrying cash on premise.

Features on the App:
-Send Money
-Request Money
– Scan to Pay
– Scan to Receive
– Z-wallet